I added this picture as a personal addition because, it made me laugh when i first saw it also because it made me think life is good and people really do take things for granted when we should all be happy just to be alive.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
personaaaal addition
I added this picture as a personal addition because, it made me laugh when i first saw it also because it made me think life is good and people really do take things for granted when we should all be happy just to be alive.
Personal addition!
Im adding this as a personal addition because i found this picture very interesting, we see new and different people everyday we see them smiling and assume they are happy, but everyone has their own story and things they are hiding from the rest of the world.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Reading reflection 2
Six word memoirs, I actually really enjoyed them, they
explain so much that’s often not easy to say in six words. They can be
perceived in different ways depending on who is reading them. I found them very
expressive, fun to write, they interested me, I like that you can use a picture
and words, it doesn’t have to make complete sense it’s all what you feel and
The only
problem I had with writing the six word memoirs was sometimes I wanted to write
a lot more than six words to fully show what I was trying to express. I also
really like how simple they are, after I wrote them I looked some up and I found
it very interesting just seeing different peoples thoughts on things, and
different choices in words, and how six words cant paint a mental image in your
these six word memoirs I learned that I am a lot more creative than I thought, I
know I am unique and have different ways of thinking of things but these six
word memoirs were very easy to write, and there was so much about in my life I could
write about that I may not be able to express in different ways.
Now that I am
a little deeper into the blogging I am liking it a little more, I get to view
other peoples opinions on things and I can post my own thoughts without
Reading reflection
Questions I have so far are what is
going to happen when Rebekkah and Byron finally unite, are all feelings going
to come back or is there going to be a rivalry. What do the ghost voices coming
back have to do with the murder? What does the mysterious flask have to do with
anything? Rebekkah seemed so shocked to receive that shock what kind of value
does that flask have? What keeps drawing people back to the town of Claysville?
If there is never any crime in Claysville what brought upon the murder?
Comments I have
is Rebekkah is scared of something in Claysville, whether it is Byron being
there or something horrible happening there before I think a lot of secrets are
going to come out and surprise a lot of people or even help solve the mystery
of Maylene’s murder. Something is wrong with this town whether it has to do
with the people or there Is something super-natural going on.
Predictions I
have are, I have a feeling in the process of solving the murder of Maylene there
is lots of untold stories, secrets, and crimes hidden within the town. The
murder isn’t going to be easy to solve and I feel that, they are uncovering
more than they would ever want to know.
I could
relate to my predictions because sometimes, you dig yourself to deep into a
hole either being nosy or searching too hard for something and you end up
finding out things you don’t need to know. Some things are better off un told.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
writing reflection
Writing reflection
Doing the blogging is definitely a huge change. It is a whole new way of doing homework. I keep thinking I need to write everything down like what are tasks are but all I have to do is go on Cre8tive havoc and everything is there for me. I honestly think in the near future all work will be done online like this. I think the doodling is a good way to express yourself but not a good way to get ideas, in my opinion you have to somewhat be thinking of something before you are doodling it therefore you already have the idea.
So far I think I have done well with the blogging, it’s a whole new way of doing things handing in assignments through the internet and finding them on the internet, I think I caught on fairly quick, I have my blog customized and have handed in all the assignments that need to be in on time.
What I need to work on in this class is my WRN, through out all the blogging and other assignments I have completely neglected it. I need to start doing extra assignments in it and keeping in updated on a daily basis.
As a next writing assignment I think I would like to write about how reading can benefit us intellectually, and how you think reading effects you and why.
Grave minder reading reflection.
This is a new type of book for me not usually the type I would be interested in. I found it really hard to get in to, it was very confusing for the first two chapters it was all over the place it was very jumpy. The main question I have is who is living? The book is about a murder that they cannot solve and the talking dead comes back to help solve the mystery, it’s hard to tell who is speaking when, and if they are an actual character or the dead talking about what was happening.
Byron and Rebekkah are the main characters, they dated. Rebekkah’s grandmother was the one that was murdered. The town they live in is small, and quiet doesn’t have much crime everything that goes on the whole town knows about it. I predict in the future that the murder will bring Byron and Rebekkah close and also bring them apart, there will most likely be many disputes between them because they haven’t seen each other in seven years, by the end I think they will put their differences aside and end up solving the murder together with help from the voices which no one else will believe them with.
I could relate to this text by, I’ve had sticky situations with people before that are hard to deal with and you may not want help from a certain person but sometimes you have to go to them even though you may not want to. For example I do not get along with a girl at work we don’t like each other at all but one day it was really busy and I asked for her help, we fought for a while but in the end we got along and we did a good job together, which in the book Rebekkah doesn’t want Byron’s help but in the end they benefited eachother.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Monday, 13 February 2012
First blog ever.
Hello, my name is Holly. This is my first blog ever. I am a facebook, twitter, and instagram user, i enjoy using the technology and learning new ways to communicate with my friends. I am a bit scared to start out blogging because ive never really even thought of using a blogging website. Im concerened i might be judged upon my thoughts, so please be generous with your criticism, im trying my hardest to open up to strangers and widen my horizons when it comes to blogging. HAPPY BLOGGING :)!
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