Monday, 19 March 2012

READING refelction 4


Reading reflection number 4.

Book: Night world

Author : L. J. Smith

Pages read: 133

Right now I do not fully understand what Jez is trying to do. She went to Morgead’s house to try to fight for her position back in the gang, but with Morgead being more powerful it is very dangerous for her. A friend of Jez’s came to warn her that a power has risen and could potentially end the world because it is getting into the wrong hands, Jez needs Morgead’s help to end these powers to save the world but she seems to be taking it a weird way which I don’t quite understand. It is almost as though she wants the power over him so she can tell him what to do when I’m sure he would do if she just asked.

Jez is half human and half vampire, I think that would be hard for someone not to notice judging by how the vampires act, I think it was weird how Jez just suddenly realized one day that she was a vampire almost seems out of place when she had considered herself such a powerful vampire before.

I predict that Jez nor Morgead will win the battle to see who becomes leader of the gang, I think they will have to share the title as leader and will become very powerful that way, and will be able to save the world just because they were able to work together. They both wouldn’t be able to do it on their own so working together will end up as an advantage.

I think I could connect to Jez fighting Morgead for power because I am a very competitive person, and I want to be the best at everything I do and I don’t give up until I am the best.

The authors writing style seems very simple she has many books but they all connect somehow which I like because it makes me interested in reading the rest of their books, she is very descriptive about what her characters look like and gives you a very good mental image.

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