Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Final thoughts.

Coming into this course, I expected the curriculum to be like poems, and story telling I did not expect it to be blogging that's for sure ! I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the class or not but I am glad I took it, I learned what kind of foot print I want to leave behind whether it is my " digital footprint " or even just the image of myself I leave here at school. My favorite assignment in this class was the 6 word memoirs, they were so easy, creative, and fun to make, they had so much meaning in so little words. My least favorite assignment would have to be reading reflections, I dreaded having to do them every week, it's not that they were hard they just were boring, found it hard to focus long enough to write 250 words. Friday reading classes I did not find useful I would rather do personal additions or extra work, I like reading on my own time either right before bed or when I wake up in the morning I feel like I could be more productive on days like that. I didn't really like doing either of the reflections, probably because I have the worst luck ever with the school computers, and by the time I finally got a computer to work I had to shut down because it was the end of class, I also found it hard to write about the same things basically every week. The WRN we didn't use as much as I expected too, I didn't mind doing the written work, I'm good with getting my thoughts out and on to paper. The blogging was so neat to explore, between decorating, figuring out how to get followers, to make new posts, to edit a post, and even comment on a friends post, there are still so many more things to me to explore in the blogging world. Tweeting I like having the fast connection between my class mates and of course you Ms. M! You can post anything on your mind even if it is completely ridiculous. Adding technology to the course was very useful not everyone knows the advantages, or dangers of the Internet I learned so many new things. In this class I learned that I am a better reader then I am writer, and I am a better thinking then creator, I have good ideas in my head I just struggle getting them down into real thoughts to put on paper. I really enjoyed my time in this course I learnt so many possibilities, just reflections suck! Advice for future creative writing students, keep blog well organized and enjoy !

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