Monday, 23 April 2012

Reading reflection 7

Reading Reflection # 7

Book: Night World

Author: L.J.Smith

Pages read: 200-250

            May sound weird but sometimes I get so into my book I get nervous for the characters as if it is my own life that I am worrying about, it’s so strange. I guess that just means I am really into my book so it is a good thing! They are really dragging the ending to my book I still have no idea if the slaves are going to make it out or not, or whether the vampires are going to take over the whole night world. I do know now that Delos and Maggie are going to stay together because they realized they are soul mates, but I have a feeling they are going to save the night world, but one of them may not make it out, I think it will be Delos that doesn’t make it because he has the wild power and really it is him that can control what the fate of the world is. I am not really sure what to think of at this point ! The book keeps throwing surprises at me it is keeping me very interested. What I hope to happen is Delos gets the witches together and goes against the vampires. I really would love to see Maggie and Delos win in the end of this! Im looking forward to start the third book in this series.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad about getting into the book... that happens ALL THE TIME!! There is this one book series that I was reading, where one of the words they used as a "swear" is "Frex". When I had finished the series, I kept using "frex". I felt really dumb.... :P
    That sounds like a really interesting book that you are reading. Whats your favourite part about it?
