Book: Night world
Author: L.J Smith
Pages read: 250-300
I'm just about done this part of my book, there is maybe 15 pages left but my eyes were closing last night while I was trying to finish it ! So unfortunately I had to put the book down. I'm so confused to as what happened... Delos was basically the only chance the group had to survive then he gets thrown in the dungeon by his own grandfather ... I really don't think they will be able to make it out now, I think they are either going to turn the slaves into vampires as well, or just kill them all. It still seems like there is so much more to the story that should happen but there isn't enough pages left to let it happen. I am still hoping the slaves get out safe as well as Delos. I'm excited to read the next part of the book because this one is about shape shifters, i'm rushing to finish the book because I'm excited, but I'm starting to think the ending I want isn't going to happen, I'm honestly starting to think that none of them will make it out and the vampires are going to try to take over the night world, the book has me so puzzled right now I don't know what to think.
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