Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Final thoughts.
Coming into this course, I expected the curriculum to be like poems, and story telling I did not expect it to be blogging that's for sure ! I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the class or not but I am glad I took it, I learned what kind of foot print I want to leave behind whether it is my " digital footprint " or even just the image of myself I leave here at school. My favorite assignment in this class was the 6 word memoirs, they were so easy, creative, and fun to make, they had so much meaning in so little words. My least favorite assignment would have to be reading reflections, I dreaded having to do them every week, it's not that they were hard they just were boring, found it hard to focus long enough to write 250 words. Friday reading classes I did not find useful I would rather do personal additions or extra work, I like reading on my own time either right before bed or when I wake up in the morning I feel like I could be more productive on days like that. I didn't really like doing either of the reflections, probably because I have the worst luck ever with the school computers, and by the time I finally got a computer to work I had to shut down because it was the end of class, I also found it hard to write about the same things basically every week. The WRN we didn't use as much as I expected too, I didn't mind doing the written work, I'm good with getting my thoughts out and on to paper. The blogging was so neat to explore, between decorating, figuring out how to get followers, to make new posts, to edit a post, and even comment on a friends post, there are still so many more things to me to explore in the blogging world. Tweeting I like having the fast connection between my class mates and of course you Ms. M! You can post anything on your mind even if it is completely ridiculous. Adding technology to the course was very useful not everyone knows the advantages, or dangers of the Internet I learned so many new things. In this class I learned that I am a better reader then I am writer, and I am a better thinking then creator, I have good ideas in my head I just struggle getting them down into real thoughts to put on paper. I really enjoyed my time in this course I learnt so many possibilities, just reflections suck! Advice for future creative writing students, keep blog well organized and enjoy !
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Reading Reflection #9
Reading reflection #9
I have just recently started a new book, so far it is very interesting. I have read maybe 100 pages of it ? I am writing this completely brain dead, I can't even think of the name of the book I am reading right now. It is the end of the year ! I think everyone is feeling the same way ! My book is supposed to feel like it's based on a true story but I don't find it very realistic, still interesting but not believeable to me. My favorite character is Derek, he sees ghosts around the old, secluded town of Marcher. His girlfriend Shay-lynn was the only one to believe him, his parents thought he was nuts, and so did the whole town. The town believes in execution, and torture, so I am starting to be a bit scared that they could start torturing Derek for starting such a riot in a small town that is so quiet usually, I don't know whether to think Derek is delusuional or if he actually has the ability to see the supernatural life. If it is true is the town in trouble? Are these ghosts friendly or are they going to cause harm? I think there is going to be a insane few chapters coming up!
Monday, 4 June 2012
Authors note
Every day there are so many things I think I would like to accomplish, but when it comes down to actually putting your list on paper it's not as easy as it seems, there may be some things you consider, for example sky diving, it sounds cool yeah, but when it comes down to it, it isn't something I really want to do. Lots of things take a lot of time, and money and it really makes you think if it is actually possible. I am 17 years of old and have my whole life ahead of me and I want to try my best to accomplish everything and anything I have my mind set on. Now that I have finished my list I think it is possible to finish at least 3 things on my list a year, I will be able to save up enough money and courage ! I really shocked myself with some of the things I want to do, but also proud, the day I am dying I won't be sad, but will be happy that I lived myself to the fullest and have done, if not tried everything I have wanted to do in my life time!
Personal addition
I am a worry wort, I worry about anything and everything. Right now what I have chose to worry about is my black lap top is very, very warm right now, it is sitting in the sun infront of me and it burns my fingers to touch the keys ! I keep thinking that my lap top is going to blow up from the heat or electricute me #scared#twitterterms.
Personal addition
So right now I am sitting in my back yard, no afternoon classes, making a personal addition on my lap top while laying beside my pool. Thinking what I was doing, two things popped into my mind, one being " Damn it was so smart taking all my courses grade 11 year !" and " crazy how a few years ago I would have been sitting in a class room writing something like this on paper, it amazes me that I can do something at home and still get marks for it, whilke enjoying my day outside next to the pool, glass of lemonade, and music playing, things don't get much better than this ladies and gentlemen !
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Fly a plane.
This isnt a typical plane, when I was out at the cottage I saw it and couldnt stop thinking how amazing planes are, how something so heavy can fly.. or float like plane above. It would so cool to be able to control something so big and powerful.
Now what ?
Now what?
First starting this project the first 15 items on my list came with no thought at all.. But after that they became harder and harder to write. There are so many things I haven’t been able to accomplish in my life time but even for the ones that did come to me fast I had a hard time putting together visuals. I thought it would be super easy finding or creating and image to show or explain the items on my list but it was way more difficult then I had thought, at this point I am not yet completed, I still have quite a few images to create or find, I keep thinking that my images are not good enough and if I should be doing better, but they all have a good connection to what they are representing. I think the best way to explain an item on my list would be taking a picture of something that relates to what my item is, for example an item on my list is own my own Starbucks so maybe taking a picture of a cup of coffee, or taking a picture of a Starbucks building. The best medias so far I think are taking my own pictures or making a collage out of magazine pictures, I hope that whomever views my blog sees the effort I put into the images I chose for my bucket list I took the time and thought hard about what images would be the best representation.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Buy a house.
I chose this to be on my list because... well its every girls dream since they were 5 years old to have the perfect house, and to one day live in a house that was everything they ever wanted.
Take a road trip with friends.
I chose this because I travel with my family often, and growing up I would love to share an experience like that with my friends, explore, get introuble, be a kid.
Go on a roller coaster.
Go on a roller coaster was a hard one for me, I am such a baby when it comes to rides. I find them so scary. But it looks fun to go on a roller coaster and I think I may enjoy myself if I push myself to face my fear of going on a roller coaster.
Open a tea store.
I think tea is relaxing, smells amazing, helps sore throats, wakes you up. So many purposes I like having different kinds of tea, my mom usually makes me a cup in the morning it is a great way to start off my day.
Go crowd surfing.
I wish I was crazy like this, and have a huge group of people around me supporting my crazyness, and help me be crazy! It is dangerous and fun and something would be just in the moment.
Skinny dip in the ocean.
This is on my list because, I usually am paranoid and somewhat shy, I think this is something so unexpected and would be a once in a life time thing for me to do.
Get married.
I made a collage that has words that pop into my mind about marriage, beautiful rings, and a wedding dress. I fear of being alone all my life, and I would love to have a fairy tale wedding one day.
Go to Fiji.
I know you had asked for images, but I wanted to use a different form of media, so I chose a map to show Fiji, I thought I could capture the actual map with my lap top, unfortunatley my link to the image will show how cool Fiji would be explore!
Be brought up on stage at a concert.
I love going to concerts, at Nicki Minaj's I touched her hand, and that was insane to me, if someone like her ever pulled me on stage at a concert I would probably cry in excitement.
Create a work out center.
I like going to the gym, I like being healthy and active, I play soccer so keeping up my endurance is important it would be cool to have my own work out center one day !
Donate blood.
I want to donate blood because, I am help saving someones life, I may not be trained to actually save someones life, but this way I doing my part in someones life, it would make me feel like I accomplished something big in my life.
Be in a magazine.
I always look through magazines and see all these flawless girls modeling clothes, and their perfect smiles, it makes me jealous.. and I want even one person to think that about me, I want to shine in a magzine.
Not use my phone for over a week.
I am crazy addicted to my phone, I am always on it. When I am not on it I miss it, which is horrible because it is just a device, it is like I am brain washed.
Go back to Long Lake one day.

I spent a large amount of my childhood here unfortunetly we had to sell the cabin, I tear up sometimes thinking about how much I miss it here. I would really love to go back there someday..
Another one crossed off my list! 6 years ago I went to Mexico and had the chance to swim with dolphins, I was crazy scared, but I went through with it, one of the best things I have done in my life. They are huge so they look scary, but they were so gentle and friendly, amazing experience.
Go to Spain.
My cousin recently went to spain, it is gorgeous there, so mnay things you can do and explore, whether it is shopping through all the amazing stores, or whether it is sight seeing through the streets ! Or even watch soccer, just a desirable place I have always wanted to go to!
Sing anthem at Winnipeg Jets game.
It would be an amazing honor to sing the anthem at a Jets game, the Jets coming back have brought back so much pride and spirit back to Winnipeg, I would love to represent Winnipeg even though I ahve a horrible voice.
Help the buried life cross something off their list.
I think it would be crazy to help the guys do something on their list, I had never really watched the show before class, and I love it now ! They are so inspiring and I think it would be amazing to help them cross something off their list.
This is one of the first to be crossed off my list! I made it at school when I was younger, I love sushi and go out for it all the time, but mine tasted absolutley disgusting ! I would love to try to make it again now that I am older.
Ride a horse.
I find horses incredibly scary, they are huge and could kill you in a second, I think they are beautiful, but I have never had the courage to ride one, I think riding a horse is something everyone needs to experience in a life time.
Give a random person money.
One time I was at the drive thru at Tim Hortons one day, and when I got to the window to pay, the car infront of me had paid for my Iced Capp, a complete stranger put one of the biggest smile on my face, I want to show people there still are nice people in the world that don't only care about themselves.
Own a Starbucks.
I have always wanted to own some sort of business, and I spend all my money on Starbucks, would love to get my Starbucks for free everyday, and be able to have my favorite drinks whenever wanted, bad addiction..
Get a tattoo.
This is my friends tattoo, the thought of tattoos sound so cool, and I think it would awesome to have one, but no matter how hard I think I can't think of something just yet that would have enough meaning to me that I would want to have it forever. My friends I could have something like that because it is for his sister who had passed away. I think it is a symbal, and thoughtful, and something you can always look at and love.
Score more then 5 goals in one game.
I love soccer, have played it all my life I have the skill potential, it is just I am very little and I do not have much power, if I could score more then 5 goals in one game I would show myself I am strong enough to do whatever comes my way.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Bucket list
1. Ride a horse
2. Be in a criminal minds episode
3. Donate blood
4. Volunteer at homeless shelter
5. Punch a girl
6. Fit in Kangaroo pouch
7. Go for coffee with Nicki Minaj
8. Get a tattoo
9. Give a random person money
10. Pierce someones ear
11.Not judge people
12. Own a Starbucks
13. Create a workout center
14. Go on a roller coaster
15. Fly a plane
16. Go to Fiji
17. Kiss a stranger
18. Take a road trip with friends
19. Go hunting
20. Crash a wedding
21. Have massive house party
22. Breed a dog
23. Get a unique peircing
24. Be in a magazine
25. Go surfing
26. Model for a clothing store
27. Play on a hockey team
28. Swim with sharks
29. Create a new language
30. Score 5 goals in one soccer game
31.Make homemade sushi
32. Buy a house
33.Get married
34. Have kids
35. Open a bakery
36. Have a personal masseuse
37. Skinny dip in ocean
38. Be a social worker
39. Go to a " haunted" house
40. Go crowd surfing
41. Be brought up on stage at a concert
42. Take picture with the president
43. Make friends with the Buried life guys
44. Swim with dolphins
45. Be in a nascar race
46. Go back to Long lake one day
47. Win the lottery to complete my list
48. Not use my phone for a week straight
49. Go to spain
50. Open a tea store
51. Shopping spree in New York
52. Have a personal hair stylist
53. Run a marathon
54. Help the buried life with something they want to do
55. Cross everything off on my list
56. Fix a car by myself
57. Eat at the most expensive/ extravagent restuarant ini the world
58. Have a maid
59. Get my PHD
60. Sing Oh Canada at a Jets game
2. Be in a criminal minds episode
3. Donate blood
4. Volunteer at homeless shelter
5. Punch a girl
6. Fit in Kangaroo pouch
7. Go for coffee with Nicki Minaj
8. Get a tattoo
9. Give a random person money
10. Pierce someones ear
11.Not judge people
12. Own a Starbucks
13. Create a workout center
14. Go on a roller coaster
15. Fly a plane
16. Go to Fiji
17. Kiss a stranger
18. Take a road trip with friends
19. Go hunting
20. Crash a wedding
21. Have massive house party
22. Breed a dog
23. Get a unique peircing
24. Be in a magazine
25. Go surfing
26. Model for a clothing store
27. Play on a hockey team
28. Swim with sharks
29. Create a new language
30. Score 5 goals in one soccer game
31.Make homemade sushi
32. Buy a house
33.Get married
34. Have kids
35. Open a bakery
36. Have a personal masseuse
37. Skinny dip in ocean
38. Be a social worker
39. Go to a " haunted" house
40. Go crowd surfing
41. Be brought up on stage at a concert
42. Take picture with the president
43. Make friends with the Buried life guys
44. Swim with dolphins
45. Be in a nascar race
46. Go back to Long lake one day
47. Win the lottery to complete my list
48. Not use my phone for a week straight
49. Go to spain
50. Open a tea store
51. Shopping spree in New York
52. Have a personal hair stylist
53. Run a marathon
54. Help the buried life with something they want to do
55. Cross everything off on my list
56. Fix a car by myself
57. Eat at the most expensive/ extravagent restuarant ini the world
58. Have a maid
59. Get my PHD
60. Sing Oh Canada at a Jets game
Monday, 14 May 2012
writing reflection 9
Writing Reflection #9
used to have Twitter awhile back, I found it pointless I found there was drama
and I didn’t like that people could just type my name into google and would be
able to see my profile and tweets so I ended up deleting my account. Now that I
have a purpose to tweet I am starting to enjoy it a little more, I am surprised
at how easy it is to tweet you basically can tweet whatever is on your mind, if
people don’t like it then all they have to do is unfollow you ! A goal I have
is to tweet at least once an hour without thinking of it, just doing it subconsciously.
Another goal I have is to gain a thousand followers by having interesting
tweets. With my bucket list I am running into come complications, it should be
easy because there are so many things to do in the world, and there are amazing
things like skydiving for example but I can honestly say I don’t have any
desire to do something like that, I think I am thinking too hard about it there
are so many simple things in life I would love to accomplish!
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Personal addition
Growing up, I feel so old saying this but watching my little sister whom is in grade 7 cares more about her appearance then I do, I find it so weird how when I was her age I used to play with dolls still.. I didn’t care about boys or my appearance I was still a KID, and seeing my sister and her friends they all have boyfriends, cell phones, and wear more makeup then me, where did childhood go? They are maturing to fast it makes me wonder in the future are they going to regret not having a real childhood when there is no way of going back? I ask my sister that but she just doesn’t get it, I really think the new generation is ruined.
My black eye…. A few days ago at soccer a girl decided to elbow me in the face she got me in the corner of the eye hard. At first it just left a little bump so I wasn’t worried at all but with in 20 minutes it grew more swollen and got darker, even though I got hit on the corner of my eye the purple has some how spread all around my eye… I was worried about my appearance but now I actually don’t mind it its kind of funny to hear peoples comments on it, for example if I bother someone they say “ do you want me to give you another black eye Holly” lots of people also like to say “ oh my gosh Holly you have a black eye!” really cause I didn’t notice part of my face was purple and swollen. I am kind of enjoying the humor coming from my eye, my dad shows it of to everyone like it is a trophy!
Personal addition
Feels like I haven’t been here in a while to write about things, today what I wanted to say was, in the toughest times I am still managing to smile, I have so much going on that no body has any idea about, sometimes I wonder who is really there and it has showed me by the people who ask, it shows me who really knows me, the people that can see through my smile, and know there is something more than a forced smile, I don’t like bringing my problems among people but it is nice to have that one person you can go to for whatever you need, I guess I am using this personal addition as a little bit of venting.. But it feels good to get some thoughts out, not just to think about, but to actually write down so I can also read what I think and visualize what is good for me and what I need, that last sentence may not make sense to anyone but me, but I am trying to express myself in a different maybe healthy way, all I feel right now though is confusion, what is the next step?
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Monday, 30 April 2012
Writing reflection # 8
When we first started learning about the black put poetry I thought it would be super easy you have a million words to choose from and your story doesn't have to be any more than 5 words. But as soon as I looked at the news paper I had no idea where to start, there was a lot of words to select from, but they all could lead the story in a different direction. At the start I selected any words that stuck out to me, an joining words. I found it really hard to make a story, lots of the words that I had found popped out to me didn't go together and couldn't make a story, none of my stories are really long because I found it hard to make a whole different story out of the words in a story without summarizing. I found it easy to make all my stories about one topic though, even if they were happy stories I could still change them into a violent story ( which was my theme) that was the only easy part about this assignment otherwise I found it very difficult especially with the whole class being filled with the scent of sharpie ! I don’t think I could quite turn these black out poems into a career for myself, or even as a relaxing activity because I found there was a lot of thought that had to be put into it, but it was fun and entertaining to do.
Reading reflection #8
Book: Night world
Author: L.J Smith
Pages read: 250-300
I'm just about done this part of my book, there is maybe 15 pages left but my eyes were closing last night while I was trying to finish it ! So unfortunately I had to put the book down. I'm so confused to as what happened... Delos was basically the only chance the group had to survive then he gets thrown in the dungeon by his own grandfather ... I really don't think they will be able to make it out now, I think they are either going to turn the slaves into vampires as well, or just kill them all. It still seems like there is so much more to the story that should happen but there isn't enough pages left to let it happen. I am still hoping the slaves get out safe as well as Delos. I'm excited to read the next part of the book because this one is about shape shifters, i'm rushing to finish the book because I'm excited, but I'm starting to think the ending I want isn't going to happen, I'm honestly starting to think that none of them will make it out and the vampires are going to try to take over the night world, the book has me so puzzled right now I don't know what to think.
Author: L.J Smith
Pages read: 250-300
I'm just about done this part of my book, there is maybe 15 pages left but my eyes were closing last night while I was trying to finish it ! So unfortunately I had to put the book down. I'm so confused to as what happened... Delos was basically the only chance the group had to survive then he gets thrown in the dungeon by his own grandfather ... I really don't think they will be able to make it out now, I think they are either going to turn the slaves into vampires as well, or just kill them all. It still seems like there is so much more to the story that should happen but there isn't enough pages left to let it happen. I am still hoping the slaves get out safe as well as Delos. I'm excited to read the next part of the book because this one is about shape shifters, i'm rushing to finish the book because I'm excited, but I'm starting to think the ending I want isn't going to happen, I'm honestly starting to think that none of them will make it out and the vampires are going to try to take over the night world, the book has me so puzzled right now I don't know what to think.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Writing reflection #7
My moments story has come quite a long way! It is just about finished I just had one or two questions for Mrs. M, I have kept all my copies of the steps I have taken on my moment, part of it is here on my blog, and some in my WRN, it was nice to work on really got my brain working but I would almost prefer just working on my blog, I find it more interesting to be able to explore through the internet rather then reflecting on stories because I have a hard time wording things past tense. I really hope we get to see our digital Yoda soon because I love how he takes us places all over the internet, like seeing other kids blogs from across the world, it amazes me seeing what they are doing which is something usually along the lines of what we are doing, but across the world!
Reading reflection 7
Reflection # 7
Book: Night World
Author: L.J.Smith
Pages read: 200-250
sound weird but sometimes I get so into my book I get nervous for the characters
as if it is my own life that I am worrying about, it’s so strange. I guess that
just means I am really into my book so it is a good thing! They are really
dragging the ending to my book I still have no idea if the slaves are going to
make it out or not, or whether the vampires are going to take over the whole
night world. I do know now that Delos and Maggie are going to stay together
because they realized they are soul mates, but I have a feeling they are going
to save the night world, but one of them may not make it out, I think it will
be Delos that doesn’t make it because he has the wild power and really it is
him that can control what the fate of the world is. I am not really sure what
to think of at this point ! The book keeps throwing surprises at me it is
keeping me very interested. What I hope to happen is Delos gets the witches
together and goes against the vampires. I really would love to see Maggie and
Delos win in the end of this! Im looking forward to start the third book in
this series.
Monday, 16 April 2012
Writing refelection 6
Reading reflection #6
Reading reflection
Book: Night
Author: L.J
Pages read:
It’s funny how books can twist your
mind so much and make you wonder. I thought for the whole book so far that
Maggie’s brother had for sure been murdered but I am honestly not sure anymore,
I really don’t know whether he is dead or alive! The night people make it sound
like they need him for something like he is a chosen one, or has some kind of
power. I am also confused to who is the witch, they have made it sound like it
could be Cady or Maggie, however they have some sort of power that is keeping
them safe, I thought it was Maggie because Cady is so weak, but then I thought
maybe that’s the reason why Cady is sick. I have wondered through the whole
book if Maggie’s will power will actually get her and the other slaves out of
the night world’s little hide away, or will she be a slave forever. I know it isn’t
possible to have vampires in the world, but it makes me wonder are there hidden
places in our first world countries that people keep slaves or torture people,
the world is a big place, with many places to hide things like that. At this
point in my book I think Maggie will find her brother and free him, or take his
place, but somehow she will get stuck there as a slave.
Monday, 9 April 2012
writing reflection #5
Writing reflection #5
I’m finally starting
to understand how to blog! Every class it gets a little more interesting. For
the longest time I had no idea what to put on there but It’s almost like a
place to just to put any thoughts you have. I can really put anything I want on
there! What I would like to do on my blog next is just further explore all the possibilities,
and see other peoples blog to maybe get ideas to improve my own blog. I am
really not interested in any other social networking sites to be honest it kind
of scares me putting myself out there so much and its really not a step I would
like to take. As far as Fan Fiction goes, I googled it but still don’t fully
understand the concept, so maybe after learning about it I may be interested in
trying something like that out.
Reading reflection 5
Reading reflection # 5
Book: Night world 3
Author: L.J. Smith
Pages read: 400-440
My book has 3 books in one so I am
in the middle of the second one right now, my biggest question is what happened
to Maggie’s brother? Is he dead? Did Myles know that Sylvia was a witch? Will
the slaves escape? Is Maggie really the messenger that saves them? Friday reading
classes are relaxing but I would almost prefer it as a work class, to touch up
assignments and such. Because of this class I read every night before bed I find
it tires me out and is an easy way to fall asleep, I don’t have afternoon
classes so sometimes if I don’t have homework to do I will sit down and read my
book, before this class I probably would have just watched television, I really
enjoy reading more at home I like being able to grab a snack and some comfy
pajamas and a blanket so you can kind of drift away while you read it, reading
at school there are so many distractions. This class has brought to my
attention that reading is healthy and good for you, you are learning while
letting yourself relax, there is so many benefits of reading, the only problem I
have with reading is when I read before bed and find a really good book I lose
sleep cause I can’t set a limit for myself, I want to keep reading!
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Personal addition.
Sorry for the weird captions on the pictures, I found them on Google. But the point of this personal addition was, I walk around our school half the time walking past these poser gangsters in our school, sorry guys you live in Winnipeg, you live in St. James, and you are attending school, if you really were that thug you would live in The Bronx, not be attending school, not have Mommy drive you every where, and maybe be out shooting people? I think it's hilarious watching people like the top picture here pretending they are something they're not, when if we put them in the actual ghetto somewhere REAL gangsters would drag them out by their hair. Get real ladies and gents,
Hello personal addition.
The other day when I was home alone I was going through a few things, and I found a huge box of pictures, they were all baby pictures, I'm not sure why but looking at them all made me cry, I was raised well but seeing what I used to be and what I am now is kind of scary it made me think lots about how fast life is going, it brings up such good memories, and makes me able to look forward to the future because I still have so much more experience in life.
Monday, 19 March 2012
Writing reflection 4
Writing reflection number 4.
I finished my moments story I found it very easy to write, there are so many things you can talk about every one has exciting events in their life time, they may not seem big but they always seem to leave a story to tell. The only problem I had with writing my moments story is I had to cut some out, I wrote way more then we were supposed to but it is hard to sum up a whole story in less than 100 words. I think I could improve it by maybe going in and changing a few words, I could of made better word choices more age level appropriate.
Solitary confinement, I was not at the school for it because I do not have afternoon classes. But it makes sense if an intruder is in the school you cant have everyone running around like chicken with their heads cut off, but if it is a student that attends our school that is threatening everyone they most likely know how to get around all of that.
I now have quite a bit in my blog, and quite a few page views surprised me! I find it a lot easier to find things now and ive learned how to post different things, and I add personal additions without even thinking of it now. It is quite the experience, such a different way of learning. There are so many things I can do with my blog still more to learn !
I finished my moments story I found it very easy to write, there are so many things you can talk about every one has exciting events in their life time, they may not seem big but they always seem to leave a story to tell. The only problem I had with writing my moments story is I had to cut some out, I wrote way more then we were supposed to but it is hard to sum up a whole story in less than 100 words. I think I could improve it by maybe going in and changing a few words, I could of made better word choices more age level appropriate.
Solitary confinement, I was not at the school for it because I do not have afternoon classes. But it makes sense if an intruder is in the school you cant have everyone running around like chicken with their heads cut off, but if it is a student that attends our school that is threatening everyone they most likely know how to get around all of that.
I now have quite a bit in my blog, and quite a few page views surprised me! I find it a lot easier to find things now and ive learned how to post different things, and I add personal additions without even thinking of it now. It is quite the experience, such a different way of learning. There are so many things I can do with my blog still more to learn !
READING refelction 4
Reading reflection number 4.
Book: Night world
Author : L. J. Smith
Pages read: 133
Right now I do not fully understand what Jez is trying to do. She went to Morgead’s house to try to fight for her position back in the gang, but with Morgead being more powerful it is very dangerous for her. A friend of Jez’s came to warn her that a power has risen and could potentially end the world because it is getting into the wrong hands, Jez needs Morgead’s help to end these powers to save the world but she seems to be taking it a weird way which I don’t quite understand. It is almost as though she wants the power over him so she can tell him what to do when I’m sure he would do if she just asked.
Jez is half human and half vampire, I think that would be hard for someone not to notice judging by how the vampires act, I think it was weird how Jez just suddenly realized one day that she was a vampire almost seems out of place when she had considered herself such a powerful vampire before.
I predict that Jez nor Morgead will win the battle to see who becomes leader of the gang, I think they will have to share the title as leader and will become very powerful that way, and will be able to save the world just because they were able to work together. They both wouldn’t be able to do it on their own so working together will end up as an advantage.
I think I could connect to Jez fighting Morgead for power because I am a very competitive person, and I want to be the best at everything I do and I don’t give up until I am the best.
The authors writing style seems very simple she has many books but they all connect somehow which I like because it makes me interested in reading the rest of their books, she is very descriptive about what her characters look like and gives you a very good mental image.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
personal addition
I chose this as a personal addition because, I look at my iPhone sometimes and it amazes me how far things have come, this is one of the first cell phones and people were probably amazed by what it was I can't imagine what they would think now, my phone does everything for me.
Moments story!
About 6 years ago now, my Mom, my Dad, and my younger sister Jamie, went out to my cousin's Tracy and Riley's house. Tracy has her friend Krystal over, they would have been about 15 years old, and her younger sister Riley would have been about 10. After we had our family dinner, it was dark out and the parents were playing a game of poker inside. Tracy and Riley lived in St. Andrews so they had big property and all us kids went outside to play. Tracy and Krystal were acting sneaky and weird, they had invited some boys over from down the road. Myself, Jamie, and Riley did our own thing we were to young to care or even think about boys. Then out of no where we heard some shattering and were screamed at to start running and hide, we heard tires screeching, a door slam and a guy yelling he'd find us. I was young and didn't understand what had happened so I stayed hidden for about 10 minutes. Then we heard our parents calling our names so we came out of hiding, the boys that had comeover had thrown rocks at a passing truck, there was no damage we were all told to apologize and my cousins were no longer able to see those boys. On the way home my parents were very mad at me they didn't understand why I didn't know enough to leave that situation and to come tell the adults, but I was little I didn't think I was doing anything wrong just playing. After the argument we were all silent until the car infront of us on the highway rolled into the ditch. The woman who had been in the accident was pregnant, my mom called 911 as fast as she could and we waited till they got there, no one was injured but it had turned out to be a scary and very eventful night.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Watch out Kony
KONY 2012.
Some concerns critics and myself may have with the campaign of Kony are, that now enough people are going to become aware to make the difference that needs to be made. People need to get very serious, we would need absolutely everyone involved to stop him, and many people have negative opinions toward it such as “ they are so far away who cares” “ what will my small effort do “ “ if they catch Kony someone else in his army is just going to step up into his place” I’m not saying these people are wrong cause everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but each person getting involved and helping will make a difference, we should be thinking less of publicity now and moving more into action.
The invisible children video does address the problems on Kony and things people can do to help out and get a hand into helping these children in Uganda. But it is not helping people realize it is a lot easier to help out then they think and even one extra person wanting to hangout could make a huge difference, they could of included in the video how easy it is and not expensive because a lot of people barely have enough money to take after themselves and their own families but may still want to help out. They are very good with making awareness and making the kits, but actually getting people motivated and positive they had troubles with.
I think when I am older issues like this is something I will want to help out in quite a bit, as of now I think I just want to make other people aware and buy a kit. Also as a class I think everyone should bring in 5 dollars and we can buy a few kits to show our support.
Some concerns critics and myself may have with the campaign of Kony are, that now enough people are going to become aware to make the difference that needs to be made. People need to get very serious, we would need absolutely everyone involved to stop him, and many people have negative opinions toward it such as “ they are so far away who cares” “ what will my small effort do “ “ if they catch Kony someone else in his army is just going to step up into his place” I’m not saying these people are wrong cause everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but each person getting involved and helping will make a difference, we should be thinking less of publicity now and moving more into action.
The invisible children video does address the problems on Kony and things people can do to help out and get a hand into helping these children in Uganda. But it is not helping people realize it is a lot easier to help out then they think and even one extra person wanting to hangout could make a huge difference, they could of included in the video how easy it is and not expensive because a lot of people barely have enough money to take after themselves and their own families but may still want to help out. They are very good with making awareness and making the kits, but actually getting people motivated and positive they had troubles with.
I think when I am older issues like this is something I will want to help out in quite a bit, as of now I think I just want to make other people aware and buy a kit. Also as a class I think everyone should bring in 5 dollars and we can buy a few kits to show our support.
Reading relection 3
Reading reflection.
I have started a new book unfortunately
I had to drop the other one I just couldn’t get myself interested in it, I tried
reading it but just couldn’t do it I found myself in a daze or day dreaming
while reading it rather than focusing and really getting into it.
My newest book is called “ The Night World” it has three
books all in one, and it is a series on this group called the night world. The
night world includes vampires, shape shifters, werewolf, and witches. Questions
I have so far are how many of the night world people are there if none of the
stories seem to connect, and if there are humans mating with vampires would the
vampire part of the offspring not destroy itself wanting the human blood that
runs in its veins?
The main character Jez happens to be half vampire and half
human, her mother who was human had died when she was little so she grew up as
a vampire drinking blood and killing, she realized one day she was not fully a
vampire and decided to live as a human with distant family, I noticed Jez felt
she had a lot more power when she was drinking human blood, will she becomes
stronger and stronger the more blood she drinks?
I think in the future night world will come out of hiding
and take out the world, which could wipe out their kind as well because if they
go on a rampage they won’t have any more humans to feed off of, they will
destroy everything.
Connections I have is, keeping things in moderation. If you
have to much of a good thing it can become negative, for example I like working
and making money but now I work too much and I’m not enjoying it as much
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Personal addition
A book I've started to read, kind of weird it's 3 stories in one book and about vampires.... But for some reason I'm enjoying it although it isn't normally the type of book I'd read.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
six word memoir
I posted this because I love going away and being in the country everything is so care free, there is a completely different atmosphere. It is an escape from your everyday life. When I was younger I had two cottages, both weren't owned by my parents, one was my Dad's parents cottage but we were welcome to go there whenever we pleased, the cabin is at Long Lake, it is 3 and a half hours away from Winnipeg, there is no electricity there, and it is gravel roads for 2 hours of the ride, it has thick bush all around it, it is an amazing place I cannot even describe its beauty. My Mom's parents built their dream house at Lundar beach so I also had the oppurtunity to go there whenever I pleased, I was very lucky to have these amazing places and I really do appreciate it, they are completely different places but I love them both, Long Lake is rock forest and gravel, deep water, and Lundar Beach is never ending beach, sand and you can swim off shore, there is never a dull moment when I am there.
Photo Credit- Me!
Best memoir
I did this one because, Lexi is always the one person who is there for me and always has been. I believe in having a few close friends over a lot of friends that you arnt super close with.
6 Word memoir number 2
I did this one because coming to highschool has changed me and my friends a great amount highschool shapes who you are in the future it prepares you for what life has to offer. I haven't thought about graduating much until this past month or so I am actually very scared we have been babied in school for the last 12 years and now were taking a step into the real world where we will start our lives and make decisions for ourselves make our own money, raise our own families, but it still seems like we have so much to learn, I'm glad I went to this school and focused hard, because I know I will be prepared for anything life offers me.
Photo credit, Me.
I like this one because well, I love my dog. My family is very important to me and she is a big part of my family she is 11 years old now so I grew up with her she was my best friend for so many years and my sister's aswell, even though she is just an animal she made a big impact on my life. My Mom and I were talking about what we would do the other day if we lost her because she is getting old and the time may come soon... I really thought about it, I don't know how I would cope she is such a good dog, and shows compasion and care for me all the time. She really did make a hug she really did make a huge difference in my child hood, I grew up with a best friend that would never leave my side, and no matter what in the world I did wrong she wouldn't judge me, she would always still love me, it is going to be a very hard day the day I lose her.
Photo credit- me.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
personaaaal addition
I added this picture as a personal addition because, it made me laugh when i first saw it also because it made me think life is good and people really do take things for granted when we should all be happy just to be alive.
Personal addition!
Im adding this as a personal addition because i found this picture very interesting, we see new and different people everyday we see them smiling and assume they are happy, but everyone has their own story and things they are hiding from the rest of the world.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Reading reflection 2
Six word memoirs, I actually really enjoyed them, they
explain so much that’s often not easy to say in six words. They can be
perceived in different ways depending on who is reading them. I found them very
expressive, fun to write, they interested me, I like that you can use a picture
and words, it doesn’t have to make complete sense it’s all what you feel and
The only
problem I had with writing the six word memoirs was sometimes I wanted to write
a lot more than six words to fully show what I was trying to express. I also
really like how simple they are, after I wrote them I looked some up and I found
it very interesting just seeing different peoples thoughts on things, and
different choices in words, and how six words cant paint a mental image in your
these six word memoirs I learned that I am a lot more creative than I thought, I
know I am unique and have different ways of thinking of things but these six
word memoirs were very easy to write, and there was so much about in my life I could
write about that I may not be able to express in different ways.
Now that I am
a little deeper into the blogging I am liking it a little more, I get to view
other peoples opinions on things and I can post my own thoughts without
Reading reflection
Questions I have so far are what is
going to happen when Rebekkah and Byron finally unite, are all feelings going
to come back or is there going to be a rivalry. What do the ghost voices coming
back have to do with the murder? What does the mysterious flask have to do with
anything? Rebekkah seemed so shocked to receive that shock what kind of value
does that flask have? What keeps drawing people back to the town of Claysville?
If there is never any crime in Claysville what brought upon the murder?
Comments I have
is Rebekkah is scared of something in Claysville, whether it is Byron being
there or something horrible happening there before I think a lot of secrets are
going to come out and surprise a lot of people or even help solve the mystery
of Maylene’s murder. Something is wrong with this town whether it has to do
with the people or there Is something super-natural going on.
Predictions I
have are, I have a feeling in the process of solving the murder of Maylene there
is lots of untold stories, secrets, and crimes hidden within the town. The
murder isn’t going to be easy to solve and I feel that, they are uncovering
more than they would ever want to know.
I could
relate to my predictions because sometimes, you dig yourself to deep into a
hole either being nosy or searching too hard for something and you end up
finding out things you don’t need to know. Some things are better off un told.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
writing reflection
Writing reflection
Doing the blogging is definitely a huge change. It is a whole new way of doing homework. I keep thinking I need to write everything down like what are tasks are but all I have to do is go on Cre8tive havoc and everything is there for me. I honestly think in the near future all work will be done online like this. I think the doodling is a good way to express yourself but not a good way to get ideas, in my opinion you have to somewhat be thinking of something before you are doodling it therefore you already have the idea.
So far I think I have done well with the blogging, it’s a whole new way of doing things handing in assignments through the internet and finding them on the internet, I think I caught on fairly quick, I have my blog customized and have handed in all the assignments that need to be in on time.
What I need to work on in this class is my WRN, through out all the blogging and other assignments I have completely neglected it. I need to start doing extra assignments in it and keeping in updated on a daily basis.
As a next writing assignment I think I would like to write about how reading can benefit us intellectually, and how you think reading effects you and why.
Grave minder reading reflection.
This is a new type of book for me not usually the type I would be interested in. I found it really hard to get in to, it was very confusing for the first two chapters it was all over the place it was very jumpy. The main question I have is who is living? The book is about a murder that they cannot solve and the talking dead comes back to help solve the mystery, it’s hard to tell who is speaking when, and if they are an actual character or the dead talking about what was happening.
Byron and Rebekkah are the main characters, they dated. Rebekkah’s grandmother was the one that was murdered. The town they live in is small, and quiet doesn’t have much crime everything that goes on the whole town knows about it. I predict in the future that the murder will bring Byron and Rebekkah close and also bring them apart, there will most likely be many disputes between them because they haven’t seen each other in seven years, by the end I think they will put their differences aside and end up solving the murder together with help from the voices which no one else will believe them with.
I could relate to this text by, I’ve had sticky situations with people before that are hard to deal with and you may not want help from a certain person but sometimes you have to go to them even though you may not want to. For example I do not get along with a girl at work we don’t like each other at all but one day it was really busy and I asked for her help, we fought for a while but in the end we got along and we did a good job together, which in the book Rebekkah doesn’t want Byron’s help but in the end they benefited eachother.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Monday, 13 February 2012
First blog ever.
Hello, my name is Holly. This is my first blog ever. I am a facebook, twitter, and instagram user, i enjoy using the technology and learning new ways to communicate with my friends. I am a bit scared to start out blogging because ive never really even thought of using a blogging website. Im concerened i might be judged upon my thoughts, so please be generous with your criticism, im trying my hardest to open up to strangers and widen my horizons when it comes to blogging. HAPPY BLOGGING :)!
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